Oct 14, 2014

DraftSight 2015 is out with a 64bit only version for Linux.

DraftSight 2015 is out and Linux users can now install it without problems on a 64bit distro because this version is 64 bit only.

I downloaded and tested the new DraftSight on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit machine.
DraftSight  installed with GDebi without errors so no more hacks or tweaks needed for use it on a 64bit machine.
With ldd DraftSight's executable seems to load only 64 bit libraries without any kind of 32 bit dependencies so it's a full  64 bit release.
Also DraftSight now uses Qt 5 as its GUI toolkit.
When I started it for first time a window appeared with the option to migrate my settings from the previous version. This option doesn't seem to work well so you have to use new settings.

The performance (especially in  Sheets) wasn't great and there where many GUI glitches probably related to the new  GUI toolkit. I will test it and on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit in order to investigate further these issues.

DraftSight 2015 64bit for Linux is great as idea but needs much more love in order to be great and as implementation.
You can download DraftSight 2015 from here


  1. Hi Spyros ,
    Thanks for this info. I am a windows user and I love DraftSight being free and being more productive. I hope I would get chance to look at it on Linux.


  2. Hi,

    yap, performance on Model tab is also quite buggy. On V1R5.2 it was much better. Maybe someone have a previous .deb package to share?:)

    1. Went back to V1R5.2.
      wget http://dl-ak.solidworks.com/nonsecure/draftsight/V1R5.2/draftSight.deb taken from http://www.sysads.co.uk/2014/05/install-draftsight-cad-ubuntu-14-04-x64bit/

  3. Hi Spyros,
    thanks for the news. It's a shame the viewport performance got degraded. I hope it will get fixed.I guess I'll hold on to 32bit V1R5.2 for a while.
    On the other hand, Qt5 as a toolkit is good news. It seems that DraftSIght developers are keeping up with the current linux ecosystem.


  4. 2014 funktionnierte tadellos. Plötzlich keine Menüzeile mehr.. Neuinstallation von beta 2015 64 bit unter Linux Mint 17 64 bit...= KATASTROPHE...Eine DWG Zeichnung laden dauert 20 Minuten. Fazit : unbrauchbar geworden weil der Mauszeiger minutenlang nicht bewegt werden kann. In der untersten Zeile "defilieren" 11 stellige Koordinatenzahlen. So kann man nicht arbeiten. Werde es deinstallieren.


  5. While Draftsight 2015 installs on my Ubuntu 14.04 system without any issues, there are several bugs that bother me and in effect make the software unusable:

    1. This may be because I'm using a Lenovo Yoga 2 pro with a high DPI screen, but the Esnap does not take precendence over Etrack. This means that the current figure that I am drawing often does not snap to the the Esnap point, and clicks off somewhere near the Etrack lines, leading to errors that are serious.
    2. Every time the cursor crosses a piece of text, the GUI slows down badly. Text rendering seems to have gone back a few years.


    1. No as me it's not the problem! The answer is:

  6. same in my case. went back to 2014

  7. This situation is getting desperate. 2015 is effectively unusable on Linux. The GUI is horribly slow and buggy, and even if one is willing to work with it, the esnap issue persists, effectively resulting in risk of wrong/inaccurate drafting.

    Also, on Wine 1.6.0, Draftsight 2015 (32- and 64-bit) are not installing.

    I'm at wits end - any one has links to older windows versions that at least run on Wine?

    1. Unfortunately there are no links for older versions.
      Some older links not work right now

  8. Hi all,
    I ended up reading this blog again and again to understand my problems with DraftSight v2015 under Ubuntu.
    I have been using DS from the moment they released it (2 years ago?). With Windows so far. I recently created double boot on my old laptop Win7x32 and Ubuntu14.04x64. I found the system to run faster overall.
    Some applications critical for me, run much-much faster, like Blender.

    DraftSight is among the most important for me. And there's the problem: it is unusable 2015 under Ubuntu. Same laptop handles just fine in Windows7 32-bit!

    But I think this has been said and you all know.
    I want help in finding an older version that runs v.1R5 or maybe v.1R4
    (I noticed when R5 was out posts compained it was slower than R4)
    Can someone upload an installation file of one of these older releases?

    Thank you,

    1. Unfortunately there are no alternate versions available for downloading. We can only wait for a new bug-fix release. The 64bit DraftSight for Linux was a big disappointment for everybody.

    2. Uploaded V1R5.2 .deb package. Works on Ubuntu 14.04

    3. Tanks!Perfect!

    4. Archaeologist, thank you very much :)

  9. My 2015 version was ok on small files but so slow/unusable on bigger.
    Archaeologist, you saved my life, because I couldn't fined older version anywhere. Big Thank you! (Linux mint 17.1)

  10. Hi,
    my V1R5.2 install on Fedora reports "This product is not licensed or ha expired" since today. Did anyone experience the same behaviour? I fear this is a problem of a hard coded date of expiration in the product and since it's beta, there's not much we can do about it.
    I found workaround: set the system date to march, instead of aprill - after that, DrafSight starts normally. But I really don't want to have wrong date set on my system.

    1. You're absolutely correct. DraftSight's versions on Linux and Mac have an expiration date. I m not sure if there is any possible workaround since as you correctly mentioned this behavior is hard coded.

  11. Hi Spyros,
    I found one workaround: set the date to any day in March 2015 and then start DraftSight. After it starts, you can change the date back to correct one.
    I tried to automate this with faketime program, but I couldn't make it work.

  12. The problem with take time is that its x64 as your system but draft sight is x32. I believe there is workaround for fake time but I also had no success with it.

  13. Yes, I tried LD_PRELOAD faketime (and with datefudge too) with no success. I guess x86 architecture of DraftSight is the problem. I didn't have time/will to dig into this deeper.

  14. Hi, everybody

    I wore DraftSight since 2011 in ubuntu 32 bits. 4 Gb ram 1GB video card.
    Now use in ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. 4 Gb of ram and 1GB gforce 8400 GS N-vidia -
    Some files are with the mouse catching.
    What might be happening?


  15. I have Draftsight and CorelCAD on a CAD workstation running WIn 8.1, but could not get Draftsight to run on Linux Mint on a netbook (easier to carry around). So I set the netbook back to Puppy Linux 528, and found that my legit copy of AutoCAD LT 98 would install and runs fine under Wine 1.3.6 :-)

  16. I have Ubuntu 14.04
    Had to upgrade to the latest release as it would not let me use it otherwise....
    Since then I have mouse lag issue...
    Tons of comments about but no fix for standard graphic cards
    can anyone help??????

  17. DId not install on Ubuntu 15.4 64-bit using Program Central.

    Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyxhost: unable to open display ":0.0"

    You must do: DISPLAY=":0.0" && export DISPLAY
    and then: sudo dpkg -i draftSight.deb

    Then it works.

    1. Eh. let me rephrase that...

      It installed properly but the cursor lag issue makes it unusable. I find posts about this issue from several years back but no suggested fix for us who use the nouveau nvidia graphics driver.

  18. Howdy all,

    After install draftSight on my laptop got I a problem.

    The mousepointer in CAD-frame, did not listen to my mouse.

    Has anybody a good tip to repair these

    SPidey-Westland: spidey-linux@caiway.net

  19. In reference to the cursor lag issue, I am a Linux developer and had similar issues on some apps when I upgraded from Qt4 to Qt5. The changes were very difficult to isolate and correct. I am not sure this is the same problem here, but this is why it is called a "Beta" release. In the meantime, I will use the windows version until the bug is fixed.

  20. Got partial solution as below:

    I have learned of a partial solution from youtube comments and a few other locations. Assuming you are using a USB mouse unplug the mouse, start Draftsight, the plug the mouse in. The mouse wheel doesn't seem to work so zoomiing is a pain but the cursor is at least usable. [Z] [Enter] [E] [Enter] to zoom to the limits of the drawing [Z] [Enter] [W] [Enter] to draw a zoom window


  21. To me it's quite unclear about Draftsight's future since Dassault Systèmes has not released any 2016 version.

  22. Well there is a 2016 pre-release. That seems to be working a lot better.


  23. Tried 2016 version on Ubuntu 14.04 - no improvements. Staying to V1R5.2.

  24. Hi all!
    Link http://failiem.lv/u/kzjnqyx does not work.
    Please upload again Draftsight V1R5.2.deb (32-bit).

  25. https://failiem.lv/u/ckx5xxmd#_

  26. Thank you very much!

  27. After upgrading to Ubuntu Gnome 16.10 (Gnome shell 3.22) Drafsight (version 2016.3.0.4050) stops working. Launching with terminal I received the following errors:

    (DraftSight:7037): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type 'GdkDisplayManager'

    (DraftSight:7037): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed

    (DraftSight:7037): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed

    Seems to be a gtk or qt problem.
    Anyone has the same problem?

  28. Hi , I just try 2017 version and it looks like it work on linux pretty good. (I still have .deb files for old versions just in case).
