Oct 23, 2011

DraftSight and Ubuntu 11.10 64bit

Ubuntu 11.10 has multiarch support. This is a feature that makes the installation of 32bit applications on a 64bit OS easier. Well that doesn't work with DraftSight. The package failed to be installed correctly in every possible workaround I tried. DraftSight installed and worked after some tricks but it was marked as damaged so it had to be removed. (You are unable to update your system or install new programs if you have damaged packages).

So the only way to install and  run DS on a 64bit Ubuntu 11.10 is to completely ignore dpkg.
How to do that? Here are the necessary steps.
  • Install the necessary dependencies of DraftSight: sudo apt-get install libdirectfb-extra sendmail
  • Install this library from Natty.
  • Extract the contents of DraftSight.deb. For your ease put Draftsight.deb file inside your home folder.Then right click on the DraftSight.deb and select "Extract here"
  • Open nautilus as root ( Press Alt+F2, type gksu nautilus, press Enter, insert you password and press Enter again)
  • Copy the contents of ~/DraftSight/var and ~/DraftSight/opt into you system's /var and /opt folders
  • Open a terminal and type: cd ~/DraftSight/DEBIAN  then type sudo ./preinst and  sudo ./postinst
Now you are able to work with DraftSight on your 64bit Ubuntu without any dpkg problems.
 I don't like workarounds like this but unfortunately it is the only way to install DraftSight on a 64bit Ubuntu 11.10 system.

Important Update: This workaround is for DraftSight V1R1.3
The newer V1R1.4 version doesn't need any more the library from Natty and probably sendmail. Also the path to DraftSight's startup script has been changed to /opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/draftsight


  1. Try opening read-only file and it crashes, there is large set of functions that dont work because of this library ia32-libs. It has something to do with modal dialogs.
    I find out that everything is ok if you install the version from Maverik :)

  2. Ok! It's installed on ubuntu 11.10 amd64 but i click on the icon and nothing happens.

    What can i do to solve this .....

    Thanḱ's for help

  3. After install and use the command /opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/DraftSight the out put in terminal is:
    :~$ /opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/DraftSight
    /opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/DraftSight.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libGLU.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  4. Are libglu1-mesa and libglu1-mesa-dev installed on your system? If not please install these packages and also install ia32-libs and try again to open DraftSight via terminal and post any errors.

  5. Op's ...libglu1-mesa-dev and ia32-libs wasn't installed. After the install it work's well.

    Tank you very much.

  6. I had also to install:

    sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev ia32-libs

    Then it works!


  7. Performed the above steps and then Log out Linux will not load.
    He started looking for something to sendmail.

  8. Did you step one?

    Install the necessary dependencies of DraftSight:

    sudo apt-get install libdirectfb-extra sendmail

  9. Yes install:
    sudo apt-get install libdirectfb-extra sendmail

  10. I had a additional problem wit sendmail.


    sm-mta[1135]: unable to qualify my own domain name

    This cause a 60s stop at boot. I solved the problem with this link:


  11. Thanks for a tutorial, works perfect for me!

  12. Hi! I'm having the same problem with libGL.so.1 .... But even after I installed the libglu1-mesa-dev and ia32-libs it didn't worked... any idea?

  13. Make sure that you have and libglu1-mesa installed.

  14. Linux OpenGL errors:
    SOLVED: no frame buffer configuration
    SOLVED: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig

    If you have installed a graphics chip driver from the graphic chip manufacturer, your system may still have the old driver as well. If this is the case, then your system may be trying to use the old driver, because Mesa keeps re-generating the link to the old driver.

    There may be more than one link to the OpenGL driver file on your system. One may point to the correct driver, and the other link points to the old driver. The solution is to find all of the libGL.so.1 links and point them all to the correct file.

    Use the "gnome-search-tool" and search folder "/usr" for "libGL.so". (The last character is an "oh", not a zero!) The resulting list will help you understand where the problem is. On my system, Ubuntu 11.04 with an Nvidia driver that I downloaded from Nvidia and installed, the system has "/usr/lib/libGL.so.1" as a link pointing to "/usr/lib/libGL.so.285.05.09" (the actual Nvidia driver for version 285.05.09). This is the good link.

    However, the search tool also lists "/usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so.1" as a link pointing to /usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so.1.2", which is the old driver. This is the source of the problem. If you replace the link in the mesa folder with a link to the Nvidia driver, the system will change it back to the driver in the mesa folder. So the actual driver within the mesa folder (/usr/lib/mesa//usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so.1.2) must be deleted. (First copy this file to a safe place outside of the "/usr" folder, such as to your home folder, just in case this does not work for you and you need to put the file back.)

    After deleting "/usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so.1.2" (you must be root to delete it), run "sudo ldconfig", then look at your updated search list. You should only find "libGL.so.1" links that all point to the manufacturer's driver ("/usr/lib/libGL.so.285.05.09" on my system). This should have fixed the OpenGL problem. You may need to restart to be sure.

    There may also be a 32 bit version. My system also has "/usr/lib32/libGL.so.1" as a link pointing to "/usr/lib32/libGL.so.285.05.09" (the actual 32 bit Nvidia driver for version 285.05.09). This is also a good link.


    1. gary i have ati radeon chip and what do i do about it?

  15. The best way I found was installing the windows version over wine.

  16. I don't believe that WINE is the proper solution.

  17. the solution of a problem its that one let you make your work at time... i cant wait forever until someone find a solution... im a windows user im trying so hard be a linux user but sometimes i miss de easy way... but still trying so hard
    felipe from chile

  18. pai@pai-P5KC:~/Transferências/DraftSight/DEBIAN$ sudo ./preinst
    ./ShowLicence: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    what do I do?

  19. Check if libx11-6 is installed on your system. If not install this library.

  20. This workaround skips your package manager so you cannot uninstall DraftSight with apt-get or dpkg.You have to manually delete the folders that you copied into your filesystem (/opt/dassault-systemes and /var/opt/dassault-systemes) and run as root the prerm script from your extracted DraftSight.deb file

  21. I followed the tutorial above and everything opens up and looks like it is working correctly. However, the mainscreen where you draw stuff is not showing up. Does anyone know how to fix this? I can click the icon to draw a line and it lets me click where the line should be drawn after clicking the command prompt at the bottom says specify second point I then click again and it goes back to a blank command prompt but nothing shows up on the screen. I think I must be missing a lib or something. Thanks in advance for your help.

  22. Jeff, make sure that you have ia-32libs installed. Also open DraftSight from terminal (opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/DraftSight) and post any errors.

  23. Hi, i've done evereting as you said and this is what i get.

    /opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/draftsight: 34: /opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/draftsight.bin: not found

    now what?

  24. Make sure that the path is correct.
    For DraftSight V1R1.3 is opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/DraftSight
    For DraftSight V1R1.4 is /opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin/draftsight
    Navigate with your file manager to the opt/dassault-systemes/draftsight/bin directory and make sure that all files are correctly copied.

  25. Díky za ten návod, bez něj bych byl v háji :-)
    Thank you for this instructions.

  26. Thank you so much for this work around!

  27. DraftSight rpm version runs perfectly on Fedora 16 x64 and openSUSE 12.1 x64 but the deb version cannot be installed on Ubuntu 11.10 x64 and Linux Mint x64. What a pity!

  28. Thank you very much, I had lost hope to have Draftsight working in my Ubuntu 11.10 64b!!!!

  29. Thanks for sharing, this works like a charm on Ubuntu 11.10!

  30. Hello!
    After installing a clean ubuntu 11.10 (in a old installation it was run OK) ./preinst command returns:

    access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
    ./preinst: line 21: ./ShowLicence: Archive or directory not found
    access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect

    What can I do?


  31. Make sure that you didn't erase any files from the DEBIAN folder of the extracted file. Seems like your system cannot found the license files that must be there.
    By the way try this:http://linuxaideddesign.blogspot.com/2012/03/draftsight-and-ubuntu-1204-lts-64bit.html
    with a little modification. On Ubuntu 11.10 you cannot install DraftSight with gdebi but only from command line with: sudo dpkg -i draftsight.deb :i386
    If you get any errors of missing dependencies you have to install any missing dependencies manually and try to install it again.

  32. works fine on Linux Mint 12 64bit, didn`t have to install Natty libraries



    Thanks for a tutorial, works perfect for me!
    After install what the command use to UNINSTALL?

    Best regards !

  34. To uninstall DraftSight:
    -Execute as root the prerm script inside the extracted draftsight folder.
    -delete /opt/dassault-systemes and /var/opt/dassault-systemes folders from your system. The easy way is to open nautilus as root and delete them with Shift+Del

  35. hello sir, thank you for your help, is working fine on ubuntu 12.04, i hope we can use asap the autocad13 or inventor on ubuntu or debian, this will be great because the draftsight is some sort program, but for now the only dwg working fine on linux, take care and god bless, miguel, spain,

  36. Hi,
    In evaluating this program I installed DraftSight on 3 different Ubuntu computers. The first two work like a charm, but the third one only runs in the root account. I've given permission for my user account to run and execute, applying this change to all files in the /opt/Dassau . . . directory, but to no avail.

    Any ideas ?


  37. I never had a problem like that.Typically DraftSight's files and folders owned by the root user with the access permission enabled for any user. Check if this is correct in your system.
    When you try to open DraftSight form terminal what error do you get?

  38. This worked for me on Kubuntu 12.04 64 bit, althought some of the folders have different names and paths, so there was some guesswork involved to find out where to copy what.

    1. For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS there is a better workaround that doesn't skip your package manager

    2. THX for the great crosslink for 12.04LTS :-) Will save me heaps of pain.

  39. Thanks, it works on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit

  40. works for me. thanks.

    OS: Ubuntu 12.04

  41. Is there anyone who can sent me draftsight v1r1.4 as a deb-package, or where is a download.

  42. how to uninstall draftsight?

    1. There is already an answer for this question in the comments of this post.

  43. I highly reccomend not installing this program. It's the best free cad program I've used mind you, but my personal (entirely anecdotal) experience went downhill quickly.
    After 30 days it will force you to register (for free, admittedly) and won't let you run the program. At this point I decided to uninstall, which requires manually removing all the files, as anything that did get through the package manager is but a minor subset of everything that's installed. During this process I lost the functionality of my backspace key (a bit of a dodgy keyboard though, so correlation might not be perfect).

  44. Φίλε Σπύρο κατ'αρχάς θα ήθελα να σε ευχαριστήσω για την πολύτιμη βοήθεια που προσφέρεις. Επίσης θα ήθελα να σου κάνω μια ερώτηση. Δουλεύω τα Ubuntu 12,04 και ακολούθησα τις παραπάνω οδηγίες.Όταν όμως φτάνω στο στάδιο:
    λαμβάνω το ακόλουθο μήνυμα :
    access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
    ./preinst: γραμμή 21: ./ShowLicence: Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο αρχείο ή κατάλογος
    access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
    access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect

    μπορείς να μου δώσεις τα φώτα σου?

    1. Αφού δουλεύεις σε Ubuntu 12,04 κοίτα στο DraftSight and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit:


      Υπάρχει πιο εύκολος τρόπος.
