Apr 10, 2014

Migration Assistant: Intro

While Microsoft's support for Windows XP has officially ended since April 8th, many users are about to examine the migration to a different free OS instead of upgrading to a new version of Windows and/or buying new hardware. Linux migration can save a lot of money especially for small offices. However, a successful migration is a demanding process and it isn't possible for all users. Before you migrate to a different OS you have to be a 100% sure that your new configuration can satisfy all your needs. Having tested the new environment before is necessary.
This series of posts will provide you helpful instructions about how to test the possibility of migrating your CAD-related working environment to Linux.

Some basic guidelines for a successful migration:

Linux is a different OS:
This is the most important thing that you must keep in mind while you are trying to migrate to Linux. Some things are similar or even same but there are some significant differences between Linux and Windows.

CAD users mainly need good and powerful CAD applications and not necessarily a good OS:
Even if you are familiar with Linux there is a possibility that the available applications cannot satisfy your needs. Linux has some great choices for CAD applications and most users may find these alternatives very capable. But since not all the CAD applications are available for Linux some users simply cannot migrate.

Linux is not only for older PCs:
Linux runs great on newer computers too. Even if you believe that you have to buy new hardware, Linux can be your choice for a powerful CAD workstation.

Older Hardware vs Capable hardware:
Linux is less resource hungry than Windows and it can be customized in order to have even less hardware requirements but this doesn't mean that it will magically make modern CAD applications run smoothly on ancient hardware.

Combine and use many different applications:
Instead of using one application for all the things you do, you may find useful combining different applications. Typically they can give you better results. And do not ignore FOSS applications. They can be useful and adequate for many people.

This series of posts will help you to:
  • Choose the appropriate distro/DE based on several software/hardware configurations.
  • Choose compatible hardware in case you need to buy new hardware.
  • Examine the possibility to migrate on an alternative Linux-based configuration.
  • Create Multi-OS configurations.
  • Getting familiar with the new environment.
  • Troubleshooting common problems.
You can find all the future posts of this series under the new tag Migration Assistant.

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