Mar 21, 2012

Important notice for Bricscad Linux users and testers

If you had installed Bricscad V10, V11 or V12 beta on Ubuntu and you want to upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS you will be affected by this bug that will cause a failure and your upgrade will not be successful. This bug causes a critical dpkg error during the upgrade process and your system will be damaged and unusable. It doesn't matter if you have already uninstalled Bricscad because the description of the package (this causes the error) remains on your system even if the package isn't any longer installed. 
In order to fix that you have to:
-Make a clean installation, not an upgrade. This is the easiest method to avoid this bug. If you have a separate /home partition it is very easy.
-Edit as super user the files /var/lib/dpkg/available and /var/lib/dpkg/status. You have to edit Bricscad's description and to put a full stop "." atevery empty line after the space that already exists. ( Each empty line has to be a space character followed by a full stop). Make sure that you keep the correct syntax of the file. Save the changes and test if your dpkg works correctly by installing any package from your package manager.
This bug will also affect Debian Wheezy when it will be released.

The error during the upgrade. The operation stops and exits.

Your system after the upgrade failure.

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